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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCAltimeterData from an altimeter sensor
oCAnyA message that is capable of containing a wide variety of data types
oCAtmosphereA message containing a description of the global atmosphere properties
oCAxisMsgs::Joint axis message
oCBatteryMessage for a battery
oCBoxGeomInformation about a box geometry
oCCameraCmdMessage for camera command
oCCameraLensInformation and control over a camera lens element
oCCameraSensorInformation about a camera sensor element
oCCessnaCessna message
oCCollisionInformation about a collision element
oCColorColor message
oCContactContact message for passing info between two entities
oCContactsContacts from collision detection
oCContactSensorInformation about a contact sensor element
oCCylinderGeomInformation about a cylinder geometry
oCDensityInformation about density
oCDiagnosticsDiagnostic information about a running instance of Gazebo
oCDistortionInformation about a distortion element
oCEmptyEmpty message
oCFactoryMessage to create new entities in gazebo, at a given pose
oCFluidMsg passing fluid particle position
oCFogMessage for fog data
oCForceTorqueForceTorque from constraint solving
oCFrictionInformation about friction
oCGeometryInformation about a geometry element
oCGPSData from a GPS sensor
oCGPSSensorInformation about a GPS sensor element
oCGUIMessage for a GUI
oCGUICameraMessage for a GUI Camera
oCGzStringA message for string data
oCGzString_VA message for a vector of string data
oCHeaderGeneral information included by many messages
oCHeightmapGeomMessage for a heightmap geometry
oCHydraMessage that contains information about a Hydra Razer controller
oCImageMessage for an image
oCImageGeomMessage for a image geometry
oCImagesStampedMessage for a multiple image with a time
oCImageStampedMessage for an image with a time
oCIMUData from an IMU sensor
oCIMUSensorInformation about an imu sensor
oCInertialInformation about inertia
oCIntInteger message
oCJointMessage for creating joint
oCJointAnimationMessage for a model joint animation, does not appear to be used
oCJointCmdMessage for joint command, used by physics::JointControlWidget
oCJointWrenchJoint wrench message
oCJoystickMessage for a joystick
oCLaserScanData from a laser scan
oCLaserScanStampedMessage for an laser scan with a time
oCLightMessage for a light
oCLinkInformation about a link
oCLinkDataTimestamped link data
oCLogControlA message that allows for control of logging functions
oCLogicalCameraImageInformation about models seen by a LogicalCameraSensor
oCLogicalCameraSensorInformation about a logical camera sensor element
oCLogPlaybackControlA message that allows for control of log playback functions
oCLogPlaybackStatisticsA message with statistics about a log during playback
oCLogStatusA message that contains information about data logging
oCMagnetometerData from a magnetic field strength sensor
oCMaterialInformation about a material
oCMeshGeomMessage for a mesh geometry
oCModelInformation about a model
oCModel_VInformation about all entities in a world
oCModelConfigurationMessage for model configuration (joint positions)
oCPacketMessage that encapsulates another message with a type description
oCParamParam message
oCParam_VMessage for a vector of params
oCPhysicsA message containing a description of the global physics properties
oCPIDMessage for simple PID controllers
oCPlaneGeomMessage for a plane geometry
oCPluginA message containing visual information for gazebo::Plugin
oCPointCloudA point cloud
oCPolylineInformation about Polyline geometry
oCPoseMessage for a pose
oCPose_VMessage for a vector of poses
oCPoseAnimationMessage for a model pose animation
oCPosesStampedMessage for a vector of poses with a time stamp
oCPoseStampedMessage for a pose with a time
oCPoseTrajectoryMessage for a pose trajectory
oCProjectorInformation about a projector
oCPropagationGridWireless propagation grid
oCPropagationParticleWireless strength signal in a point
oCPublishMessage that contains information about a publisher of data
oCPublishersA list of publishers
oCQuaternionA message for a quaternion
oCRaySensorInformation about a ray sensor element
oCRequestA message containing a string request
oCResponseMessage that encapsulates a respons message with a type description
oCRestLoginA message to login to a REST service
oCRestLogoutMessage for login out of a REST service
oCRestPostA message to POST data on a REST service
oCRestResponseA message for reporting a response from a REST service call
oCRoadMessage for a road
oCSceneA message containing a description of a scene
oCSelectionA message for GUI selection data
oCSensorInformation about a sensor element
oCSensorNoiseInformation about a sensor noise
oCServerControlA message that allows for control of the server functions
oCShadowsA message for shadow data
oCSkyInformation about the sky
oCSonarMessage for a sonar value
oCSonarStampedMessage for a time stamped sonar value
oCSphereGeomInformation about a sphere geometry
oCSphericalCoordinatesSpherical coordinates information
oCSubscribeA message for subscription data
oCSurfaceInformation about a surface element
oCTactileMessage for a tactile data
oCTestA test message
oCTimeA message for time data
oCTopicInfoA message for topic information
oCTrackVisualMessage for a tracking a rendering::Visual with a rendering::Camera
oCUndoRedoA message requesting to undo or redo user commands
oCUserCmdNotifies that a new command has been executed by a user
oCUserCmdStatsContains statistics about user commands
oCVector2dMessage for a vector2 double
oCVector3dMessage for a vector3 double
oCVisualA message containing visual information for rendering::Visual
oCWindA message containing a description of the global wind properties
oCWirelessNodeMessage for sending info about a detected wireless transmitter
oCWirelessNodesMsgs for sending information about a list of wireless transmitters
oCWorldControlA message that allows for control of world functions
oCWorldModifyA message that allows for modifying (open, close) worlds
oCWorldResetA message that controls how the world is reset
oCWorldStatisticsA message statiscs about a world
oCWrenchMessage for a wrench value
\CWrenchStampedMessage for a time stamped wrench value