Altimeter | Data from an altimeter sensor |
Any | A message that is capable of containing a wide variety of data types |
Atmosphere | A message containing a description of the global atmosphere properties |
Axis | Msgs::Joint axis message |
Battery | Message for a battery |
BoxGeom | Information about a box geometry |
CameraCmd | Message for camera command |
CameraLens | Information and control over a camera lens element |
CameraSensor | Information about a camera sensor element |
Cessna | Cessna message |
Collision | Information about a collision element |
Color | Color message |
Contact | Contact message for passing info between two entities |
Contacts | Contacts from collision detection |
ContactSensor | Information about a contact sensor element |
CylinderGeom | Information about a cylinder geometry |
Density | Information about density |
Diagnostics | Diagnostic information about a running instance of Gazebo |
Distortion | Information about a distortion element |
Empty | Empty message |
Factory | Message to create new entities in gazebo, at a given pose |
Fluid | Msg passing fluid particle position |
Fog | Message for fog data |
ForceTorque | ForceTorque from constraint solving |
Friction | Information about friction |
Geometry | Information about a geometry element |
GPS | Data from a GPS sensor |
GPSSensor | Information about a GPS sensor element |
GUI | Message for a GUI |
GUICamera | Message for a GUI Camera |
GzString | A message for string data |
GzString_V | A message for a vector of string data |
Header | General information included by many messages |
HeightmapGeom | Message for a heightmap geometry |
Hydra | Message that contains information about a Hydra Razer controller |
Image | Message for an image |
ImageGeom | Message for a image geometry |
ImagesStamped | Message for a multiple image with a time |
ImageStamped | Message for an image with a time |
IMU | Data from an IMU sensor |
IMUSensor | Information about an imu sensor |
Inertial | Information about inertia |
Int | Integer message |
Joint | Message for creating joint |
JointAnimation | Message for a model joint animation, does not appear to be used |
JointCmd | Message for joint command, used by physics::JointControlWidget |
JointWrench | Joint wrench message |
Joystick | Message for a joystick |
LaserScan | Data from a laser scan |
LaserScanStamped | Message for an laser scan with a time |
Light | Message for a light |
Link | Information about a link |
LinkData | Timestamped link data |
LogControl | A message that allows for control of logging functions |
LogicalCameraImage | Information about models seen by a LogicalCameraSensor |
LogicalCameraSensor | Information about a logical camera sensor element |
LogPlaybackControl | A message that allows for control of log playback functions |
LogPlaybackStatistics | A message with statistics about a log during playback |
LogStatus | A message that contains information about data logging |
Magnetometer | Data from a magnetic field strength sensor |
Material | Information about a material |
MeshGeom | Message for a mesh geometry |
Model | Information about a model |
Model_V | Information about all entities in a world |
ModelConfiguration | Message for model configuration (joint positions) |
Packet | Message that encapsulates another message with a type description |
Param | Param message |
Param_V | Message for a vector of params |
Physics | A message containing a description of the global physics properties |
PID | Message for simple PID controllers |
PlaneGeom | Message for a plane geometry |
Plugin | A message containing visual information for gazebo::Plugin |
PointCloud | A point cloud |
Polyline | Information about Polyline geometry |
Pose | Message for a pose |
Pose_V | Message for a vector of poses |
PoseAnimation | Message for a model pose animation |
PosesStamped | Message for a vector of poses with a time stamp |
PoseStamped | Message for a pose with a time |
PoseTrajectory | Message for a pose trajectory |
Projector | Information about a projector |
PropagationGrid | Wireless propagation grid |
PropagationParticle | Wireless strength signal in a point |
Publish | Message that contains information about a publisher of data |
Publishers | A list of publishers |
Quaternion | A message for a quaternion |
RaySensor | Information about a ray sensor element |
Request | A message containing a string request |
Response | Message that encapsulates a respons message with a type description |
RestLogin | A message to login to a REST service |
RestLogout | Message for login out of a REST service |
RestPost | A message to POST data on a REST service |
RestResponse | A message for reporting a response from a REST service call |
Road | Message for a road |
Scene | A message containing a description of a scene |
Selection | A message for GUI selection data |
Sensor | Information about a sensor element |
SensorNoise | Information about a sensor noise |
ServerControl | A message that allows for control of the server functions |
Shadows | A message for shadow data |
SimEvent | |
Sky | Information about the sky |
Sonar | Message for a sonar value |
SonarStamped | Message for a time stamped sonar value |
SphereGeom | Information about a sphere geometry |
SphericalCoordinates | Spherical coordinates information |
Subscribe | A message for subscription data |
Surface | Information about a surface element |
Tactile | Message for a tactile data |
Test | A test message |
Time | A message for time data |
TopicInfo | A message for topic information |
TrackVisual | Message for a tracking a rendering::Visual with a rendering::Camera |
UndoRedo | A message requesting to undo or redo user commands |
UserCmd | Notifies that a new command has been executed by a user |
UserCmdStats | Contains statistics about user commands |
Vector2d | Message for a vector2 double |
Vector3d | Message for a vector3 double |
Visual | A message containing visual information for rendering::Visual |
Wind | A message containing a description of the global wind properties |
WirelessNode | Message for sending info about a detected wireless transmitter |
WirelessNodes | Msgs for sending information about a list of wireless transmitters |
WorldControl | A message that allows for control of world functions |
WorldModify | A message that allows for modifying (open, close) worlds |
WorldReset | A message that controls how the world is reset |
WorldStatistics | A message statiscs about a world |
Wrench | Message for a wrench value |
WrenchStamped | Message for a time stamped wrench value |